I had the pleasure of spending three days with one of the best strength coaches in the world Dan John. Early this year i visited Belfast for the STRONG FIRST Level 2 Kettlebell cert.
Dan John really opened up my eyes on many things but one topic really stood out for me was T spine mobility. This effects all of us from the avid gym rat to the office worker sitting behind a desk all day. Our muscles tighten as we get older or over train at the gym weather we like it or not so the importance of keeping loose and mobile is so important we can not ignore this issue as most do.
Dan introduced a great T spine mobility movement ( the windmill with a stick ) that we have introduced to all of our clients and the feedback and results have been fantastic. Clients after only one week felt so much looser in the hips lower/upper back pecs and rotary cuff and inner thigh muscles.
Here ( in the picture ) is an example of the windmill stick
1) place stick across back
2) hinge forwards pushing hips back
3) put one foot slightly ahead of the other
4) ensure elbow is inside of the front leg
5) look up at top end of the stick and hold